We host a variety of Communities of Practice across our network.
These bring together experts in their field: Communications; Clinical Standards; Digital Innovation, for example, to share best practice and offer a shared working space for collaboration.
Women’s Network
- The St John International Women’s Network aims to support greater gender equality across the Order of St John. It is a forum for members to discuss their experiences in St John, identify challenges for women and girls especially with respect to equal participation and leadership, and share actions and best practices to support greater gender diversity.
- If you’d like to join us, please drop us an email via info@orderofstjohn.org
International Youth Advisory Network (IYAN)
- IYAN is a body set up to advise the International Office, Grand Council and Trustees on how their programmes and strategies impact younger people where we work. It meets at least 4 times a year and is keen to welcome other staff and volunteers under 26 to share their views and talk about issues that really matter to them in their St John activity, whether that’s in relation to first aid, Order matters, or personal development.
- If you’d like to join us, please email info@orderofstjohn.org
- If you are involved in any kind of communications through your St John role, we’d love to hear from you! Our Comms Community of Practice (CCoP) hosts an online meeting once a quarter, across two timezones to be as accessible as possible. In addition to joining our mailing list which gives you access to other St John Comms folks around the world, you also get access to our Shared Canva Working Space to share campaign inspiration and templates.
- To find out when our next meeting is, drop us an email via info@orderofstjohn.org
- We look forward to working with you!