St John’s Day 2024

June 24th is the Feast Day of our patron saint, St John the Baptist, under whose name we serve communities across 44 countries. Our hundreds of thousands of volunteers and staff touch the lives of millions of people each year under the banner of our eight pointed white cross and in the name of “St John”.

It is a good day to reflect upon our people, our work and our achievements, but also, importantly to focus on our Values and our dedication to community and devotion to service. We, collectively, have much of which to be proud and as always, much to do! Thank you to all those who serve and to those who love and support those who serve our Order. You save lives and change lives for the better, each and every day.

This day in our calendar is also the day that many leadership roles are handed from incumbents to successors. To all those who have served in leadership roles, please accept my sincere thanks and the appreciation of the Order for your commitment to leadership in our great organisation. And to all those embarking on their next leadership adventure with St John, congratulations and thank you! You have many colleagues across the St John world and in your local area who will be only too willing to provide guidance, support and assistance as you need. You also have an amazing team of St John people to work with as together we serve our lords the sick and the poor.

With every good wish

As ever

Professor Mark Compton AM GCStJ

Lord Prior

Thank you all for your service.