What is the challenge?

The Order of St John is an ongoing mission to serve the sick and the poor that has endured for over 1000 years.  The Order’s activities have modernised and evolved to changing societies and contexts, but the core mission has remained true thanks to leadership that is inspired by our humanitarian purpose.  It is the duty of those who currently lead, at any level in any country, to uphold our 1000-year legacy and invest in St John people to deliver the next generation of leaders that we need.

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What are we doing?

The Programmes Team at the International Office has spent the past year consulting with St John establishments around the world and designing the St John Global Leaders Development Programme, a fully funded structured programme that is targeted at mid-career professionals, who are passionate and committed to the St John mission.

The St John Global Leaders Development Programme aims to invest in a pipeline of future talent for senior leadership positions in St John establishments around the globe, and to:

  • Embed a sense of belonging to our #OneStJohn international family; developing a peer support network across establishments and inviting current senior leaders to share their own expertise and sponsor future talent in our paid and volunteer family members
  • Invest in the skillsets and expertise of our future global champions to equip them to deliver our shared mission to be global leaders in first aid and community healthcare.
  • Build a shared understanding of our unique position as a working royal Order of Chivalry with frontline expertise in first aid and community healthcare; digging deep into what modern chivalry means and familiarising our future leaders with the global culture of the Order.

We tailored the St John Global Leaders Development Programme to address the global leadership needs highlighted during the consultation process through developing a hybrid of online and in-person workshops and masterclasses covering the 3 leadership facets: leading self, leading others, and leading the business. These discussions will be followed by a mentoring stage, where current and previous senior leaders of St John will mentor the programme participants and guide them in their development path at their respective establishments.

Find out more about below:

Candidates’ Profile

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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What’s next?

We hosted our first cohort for the Residential part of the GLDP programme in London, in November 2024. They will now embark on a 6month mentoring programme with a variety of senior leaders in the St John family.

Global Leadership Development Programme Stories

Global Leadership Development Programme Stories

  • Wellbeing in Leadership

    Mark Molloy, Intensive Care Paramedic and Wellbeing Peer Support Officer at ACT Ambulance Service (previously National Manager Training and Development at St John Ambulance Australia), joined our Global Leadership Development Programme to share his experiences around the importance of wellbeing in leadership.

  • Global Leaders for a Global Order

    Imagine 23 strangers, representing 15 different countries, coming together for two weeks of intensive training, to prepare a presentation on a solution for a global business challenge. It may sound like the premise of a new reality show, but it actually describes the Order of St John’s first Global Leadership Development Programme.


    This article was originally published in the Priory of USA’s December 2024 Newsletter: https://priory-usa.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/newsletter/Priory-Newsletter-2024-December.pdf

  • Global Connections Key for Future St John Leaders

    Connection was the take home learning for St John WA team members Alysha and Sophie, who travelled to Europe last month as part of St John International training programme.


    This article was originally published on St John WA’s website: https://news.stjohnwa.com.au/global-connections-key-for-future-st-john-leaders/